Rules of a Sculptor

When I shoot photographs of people I try and follow a rule- get to know the person I will be taking an image of. So many times photographers take an image or shoot a photo with a zoom lens from 200 metres away. Rarely do they ever give an image. They never get to know their subject. I prefer to do the opposite. I almost always appproach someone, talk to them for awhile and then ask them if I may shoot their photo. Afterwards, I always offer to give them a copy of the photo. Many people I have taken photos of have never even seen their image on paper. Whether I mail it hundreds of kilometres, email it or return the next day with a copy, the smiles on the faces of people when they get an image is worth all the hard work and running around.
This sculptor lives up the road from me. Yesterday I gave him this photo.
Love to all.
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