Tuesday, April 01, 2008

power of a photo

A photograph is a fleeting minute in time. A second stopped. Part of a moment's memory.

Myself, along with my friends Nazim Ali and Puran Joshi, conducted a small photography clinic in the Van Gujjar Basti outside of Gindikhatta. We distributed 29 cameras to a diverse group of people in the community. The students roamed their homes and roads, forests and towns, snapping photographs for the first time. The smiles and surprises on all of our faces made everything worthwhile. The photos made reflect this beauty.

As I sit here with a candle lit and the electricity out, I am reminded of the power of a photograph.

Tomorrow I will venture into a nearby forest to continue the program with the Van Gujjar community that continues to live in the forests around Dehradun. In about a week's time this community will begin to migrate to the high himalayas.

love and health to all...