Sunday, December 05, 2010

back empire state way...

a bob dylan and johnny cash fusion getting my tired eyes started on a late dimanche canadian morning.

a paper to write, the island of manhattan on the horizon, hudson rivers, peconic bays, the east coast of america.

the world never ceases to amaze and confuse, this first week of december, no different in a sense like that crazed december in 1980, a decade and a decade and a decade ago, a december and a big apple back then, mad death and new life, 1980 to 2010...

some still here, others gone, illness and accidents, tangible smiles and then sweet memories...

this crew is love. posting up on springs stoop, back in the day, some city slickers out for good country beach living...

sammy, davey and susannah enjoying that good atlantic ocean air, long isle, ny, perhaps the early 1990s...

love and health to all...