Thursday, July 31, 2008

the poorest billionaires

on the sweet rue d'argyle where the springs quench the thirst of all and those who bathe in the sacred waters gain eternal life...

i met a poor billionaire.

in one hand. with two fingers.

he held 50 billion dollars.

50,000,000,000 dollars.

yesterday he was a poor billionaire.

today, he is just poor.

love and health to all...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

but why...

there is no why...

queens, nyc, july 2008.

love and health to all...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

alight! with the almighty's alarm clock...

the island of manhattan, in the metropolis of new york received a fine five am wake up this morning. yes, lightning, thunder, fire and brimstone transfixed the city that never sleeps and woke anyone who happened to be asleep. the humidity of the previous days had been as thick as a milkshake and this area of the earth just needed to release some energy that had been stored up...

and that it did.

today the sky is gray. the city has been sprinkling all day. i think we all just need a proper shower.

the past ten days have been full of fun and work. the world is still spinning, that has been confirmed. and sometimes i forget that jeez, isn't it funny, we're alive in a universe that never ends! goodness, who thinks up these things!! and sometimes i think, possibly a creator with heaps of beautiful names and wonderful followers...

a walk in many forms is what i took for ten days. from the crazed chocolate city, to brooklyn, manhattan island, shaolin and yesterday, finally... queens...

i went to a baseball game with my poppa and my friend felipe. before that i walked under the train and around sunnyside, jackson heights and beyond...

above we had, got and enjoyed: a game of go fish, a sheriff i hadn't seen in awhile, ethiopian-americans for barack obama, a perfect night on a roof, landing on a deli, and the birds that inhabit this fair city...

love and health to all...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

to walk about...

within the harbor of life are stories of fishes, birds and bees. lives relaxed, breaking waves protected by natural borders. a moment out of the storm, a second to breathe, to rejuvenate and rejoice. triumphant! life is to be lived, it is to be breathed, to dance through it and stop, for a smile and an embrace!!

to walk about... for no reason other than to live...

this is la frontera, high altitude on the way to argentina, spring 2007.

and on the indian ocean, at dawn, smoking a cigarette, hoping for fresh breakfast, south africa, spring 2004.

love and health to all...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

natural textures...

rolling on two rubber wheels, cruising over bridges connecting islands while traversing rivers, i looked at the city in front of me and thought about natural textures. not the kind found everywhere here in the mighty big apple, but those textures out where the sounds are natural and the air is clean...

this is ripples on the puna plateau.

spring 2007.

love and health to all...

Monday, July 14, 2008

lean on me

there is nothing more inspiring in the world than seeing love in all its earthly forms. the power of love is the strongest force on earth. in fact, i think it will be that way forever...

this is clara and her great granddaughter, april.

these two are love in its purest form.

harlem, nyc. spring 2008.

love and health to all...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

kicking it with some kids

how do we stay young?

is it age?

do we keep eating corn on the cob in the summertime?

or launch fluffy marsh mellows from a distance to try and catch them in our mouths?

or is it all in a softball game on a saturday?

do we keep asking questions?

but why, why...

it must be all that and more.

love and health to all...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

walking the plank for pleasure and jumping into unknown seas

the early morning dew of dawn is always fresh and inspiring. and to begin today rejeuvenated and clean, dripping from a fresh warm shower or a cold bucket is inspiration to cleanse away the cycle of yesterday and start anew. yes, today is a new day to inspire and to create, to love, to learn and to share...

to live from one adventure to the next. and if one adventure ends in frustration to never regret, but live and stand on two feet and tackle the next problem or mountain, path or recipe with inspiration to explore and even get lost...

my brother sammy always taught and reinforced the importance of taking chances and not worrying about what other people think or how they react to the fear of new and unknown. sammy still inspires me on the daily to relish in the excitement that goes along with living in the world. life is an obstacle course. thing is, what is ahead can't ever been seen...

love and health to all...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

lights at night...

the city is aglow with lights at night. they're not the stars or the moon, but the lights that electricity lets glow.

the past few weeks, i've found myself having fun surrounded by beautiful glowing lights of all hues...

love and health to all...