Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Before & After - Contact Photography Festival - Toronto, Canada

The month of May.

If in Toronto, Canada be sure to check out Launch Projects - Before & After Exhibition as part of the 2010 Contact Photography Festival. The month of may, throughout Toronto, photography will be everywhere you look!

the info is:

Before and After considers the way photography informs and transforms behavior and examines connections between mass media, consumerism, advertising, art and photography. The works address how photography has the power to affect and influence culture, and how the consequences of recording the “before and after” can inform our emotional and political actions, whether impulsively or rationally.

Launch Projects
April 28–May 16, 2010
Opening May 1, 2:00–5:00 pm

404 Adelaide St W
Toronto, M5V 1S8
Wed – Sun 12 – 5pm
416 364 2475

love and health to all...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

take a look...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Gardiner Expressway Project

projects & papers...

getting my end of term on...

a visual exploration...

more to follow...

love and health to all...

Monday, April 12, 2010

that time of year...

...when school is almost over and everyone is itching for summer break...

...on chowpatty beach swooning over the mustt kalandar as she works her magic...

...summer is just round the corner...

love and health to all...