Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
advertising is everywhere in the united states. I just read an article about fitting nyc taxi cabs with global positioning systems (gps). the electric sign on top of the cab will be able to display ads relative to which stores it's driving by! billboards, internet, coffee cups. rumour has it, soon nyc turnstiles and the like.
One of the first things I noticed in Cuba was the complete lack of advertising. cruising through habana, driving the country, walking down the malecon- no billboards, taxis with adds, posters. nada y nunca. truly no advertising for products. the central government has put up many posters and billboards reminding the world of the historic revolution- Castro, Che, Camilo Cienfuegos... There are also scattered billboards against "El Plan Bush."
people, natural beauty, streets, peeling paint on old homes, fruits, sun and moon, beisbol, music, paint, traditions, history, revolution, smiles,love and life.
cuba is an isle blessing in the middle of the caribbean, spinning in unison, a neighbor, a friend, on this here Earth. we're all in for the ride. together.
here are some snaps.
love and health to all...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
junior- 'the king of love'
Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day, a national holiday here in the United States.
MLK Jr. was one of the strongest advocates and teachers of non violence in the history of the world. Passive resistance and non violence were foundations in the struggle for change and equality. We must not forget the power of peace, non violence and compassion. These tools (each of us owns all of them) when found, and put to use... will end wars, break down borders, turn enemies into friends, end embargoes and feed, cover and shelter those in need.
Here in America, the people must never forget that love will always conquer hate. And peace is always the right path.
A couple of gems.
"Sam at Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland." These rock formations are found on both the northern tip of Ireland and the southern tip of Scotland. As the tale is told, way back when there was natural rock bridge connecting the two isles. This bridge plays a major part in the old folk tale of the giant Finn McCool.
"Sammy launching over a moat." Both images are December 2004.
Love, health and peace to all...
Friday, January 12, 2007
along the malecon
the malecon is the massive sea wall lining northern habana. built by the army corps of engineers, the wall attempts to contain the powerful waves flowing and back forth- habana to florida and back. centuries of tides.
my pops, davey and i spent mornings, afternoons and days walking up and down the malecon, vedado to old habana and back. the waters beside, the friends chillin', lovers loungin', schoolkids lampin' and pescadores fishin'.
pops was into getting close to the big waves one day, then scooting from the spray over the wall...
just scenes passing by, more lazy afternoons... caminando...
love and health and love...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Fidel: The Permanent Life
I just spent the last two weeks on the beautiful island of Cuba. I arrived the day before christmas and came back a few days after the new year. But por favor, just keep that between me and you, don't just go telling everybody, the IRS and all, thing is, I could get into trouble for going. I'm American and my country has beef with Cuba, big time beef, since like sixty three.
I came back from my third country journey via canada on sunday and i've been struggling 'bout where and how to start describing my experience in one of the most unique countries in the world.
Parking our car in the Sierra del Escrambay Parque Nationale, this man appeared at the trailhead explaining that he'd watch our car for us as we went hiking into the jungle beyond.
"But, but, but, if you have a little plumita, a pluma, a little pen for me when you get back," he asked in spanish, "Please I'd like one." We shrugged and headed off into mountains where Fidel, Che, Camilo Cienfuegos planned out the revolution years before.
We returned to the car a couple of hours later and this wonderful man was still there.
"A pen, a pen, a pen?" he asked. He was an incredibly cheerful man who loved pens. He had about seven already tucked in his front pockets and another five stuffed in his hat. The locals we had run into on our hike seemed to think he wasn't playing with a full deck. But pops, davey and myself thought otherwise. He was set on his pens and his demeanor, soft, eager, inquisitive and friendly.
Pops handed him a pen.
"Excuse me sir," Davey approached him and asked in spanish, "but, um, what are you writing with all those pens?"
"I'm writing a history of Cuba," he said, "Give me a few minutes and I'll write you the history of Cuba."
Davey turned to me, shrugged and turned back to the man, "What's it called?"
"Fidel: The Permament Life."
Love 'n' health to all, and a couple snowstorms before the summer, please...