Wednesday, June 27, 2007


...naw, not that kind of robbing. it's just humid and muggy today in the big apple. clouds are looking to burst, though that may not happen. it's been an email galore day, sending heaps of notes and diatribes out to friends and friends.

i'd been meaning to spread some animal love for some time now. and above are a selection of a few images of our types on the road in the puna plateau.

a llama crossing. a gorgeous horse roaming for water. on the plateau, a vista with some llamas hanging bottom of the frame, and a fox which was scoping a kill, looking for a flamingo.

of course, we arrived on the scene and the fox got a little perturbed by our presence and bailed on a late lunch of flamingo cebiche.

in the image of the mountains and the far off llamas, there is a river. now that river was steaming early morns and had a constant temperature warmer than the hottest jacuzzi in nyc. sulphurized agua, warm and perfect for bathing. which floated in our natural jacuzzi nightly under the stars. and we ran outta of water and sipped some litres of that good warm river H2O for good measure too...

love and health to all....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

alejandro, mas photos van a venir...

it's been a few days upon my arrival here in the big apple. the city is just like i remember it- a rainbow of people, a magnificent summer camp of the world. in india it is officially summer and here in new york city it will be summer in less than hour...

the northern hemisphere is warming and the oceans are heating. through all this slow warming and new world baking, i've been processing heaps of photographs. yup, 16 rolls today!

i have to admit, it's making me pretty excited. old skool medium format b 'n' w negatives. and the greatest thing is that soon i'll be able to share these many images. do keep checkin' in now and again. this summer is sure to be one of creative progression. for me, for you and for us.

love and health to all...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

back up here...

north of the equator.

a photograph from my old digital camera. somewhere out there south of the equator. hopefully, being used for mesmerizing, happy and peaceful kodak moments.

santiago de chile. may 2007.

love and health to all...