Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
dialogue in the streets

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came to my neighborhood this afternoon. He was invited to give a speech at Columbia University.
Broadway was filled with people, different opinions and most importantly, open honest dialogue that evoked passionate debate right in the streets of New York City. Forget about institutions of higher learning, everyone has an equal opinion on a beautiful New York City autumn day. The streets break down diplomas and background, a public space brings the realness and honesty to debates- thoughts and passions. It was beautiful to see people exchanging ideas and beliefs. In these trifling times of confusion and misunderstanding, the visit by this president brought many issues to the table and in the streets. If was inspiring to see people exchanging ideas in a true public forum.
love and health to all...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
These Three Words

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Mother or father, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Daughter or son, I love you
Ones you say you cherish everyday
Can instantly be taken away
Then you'd say I know this can't be true
When you never took the time
To simply tell them "I love you"
When was the last time
That they heard you say
Sister or brother, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Darling or best friend, I love you
The one for whom you'd give your very life
Could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
Through your tears you'd ask why did you go
Knowing you'd didn't always show
Just how much you loved them so
These three words
Sweet and simple
These three words
Short and kind
These three words
Always kindles
An aching heart to smile inside
I know a family
Who hasn't a cent to their name
And yet the joy and love they have between them
They always claim
And when one's called from life
The survived mourn the lost
And will never be the same
Yet they rejoice
In knowing they gave them their all
These three words
Sweet and simple
These three words
Short and kind
These three words
Always kindles
An aching heart to smile inside...
-stevie wonder
love and health to all...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
a bluefish.

maybe nine days ago i went out on a kayak with my good friend zach. we were in hot pursuit of a bluefish.
we paddled and paddled and found ourselves in a boiling bay of bluefish. it was a school and the students were more than eager to get out of class. so eager in fact that the sea around us was bubbling and bluefish were flying out of the salt water.
our first hook snapped with a blue bite of monster proportions. we returned to shore, tied on a new hook and returned to the boiling blue sea.
hours later we were back on shore with one big bluefish- fresh, wild and tasty.
this photograph was taken at dusk on the Pacific Ocean in the small city of La Serena, Chile. May 2007.
love and health to all....
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
a sea like el caribe...

...of people celebrating the diverse West Indies in brooklyn.
I made my first pilgrimage to the West Indian Day Parade this past Monday. There must have been millions of people, truly, really. Every island was represented and like sails, the flags caught the winds from the seas of people. Reggae, Calypso, Soca, Dancehall blasted from the the beds of 18 wheelers the crept up the parade route. I must have spent seven hours just kicking it on this stoop.
love and health to all...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
a life together

my good friends emily and zach are engaged. officially. they had an engagement party on the shores of lido this past saturday. it was a beautiful day. i found myself without my camera for most of the day. luckily, i grabbed it towards the beginning of dinner. and thus, a couple selects.
here is: the bride to bee with the groom to bee's bro. and master chef, ev, with the pig he spent all afternoon roasting!
may we all turn a corner and find love- today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow....
love and health to all...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
block isle but stacking rocks...

last week was a whirlwind of places, people, music and smiles. i started off the days leading up to labor in block island, hanging with my good friends greg, zach and yasmine. i had never been there and we took a ferry from montauk to meet greg on the isla. we camped outside by the breaking shore and woke up every morning to a view of the montauk radar- a swim of only 16 miles.
we cooked, croqueted, swam, smiled, bicycled, walked, stacked, slept, sang and basked in the salt air.
here's some pre labor sampling- some friends we met at the beach (expressing their love or frustration with rock stacking), zach stacking and greg reaching the heavens, and yasmine wading in the waters...
love and health to all...